Monday 30 September 2013

Apple crisp

Apple crisp is on my top 5 list of favourite desserts. And breakfasts. And snacks. There are endless recipes out there and I thought I would try this Caramel Apple Crisp I found by Betty Crocker via Pinterest. It calls for a Caramel Topping and instead of finding out what that was, I thought I would use up leftover ganache I made for Butterbeer Cupcakes a while ago. Yes, Harry Potter fans, you read that right. 

I was planning on saving this for tonight but I think I don't think I can wait!

So Lila and I tried it and I truly think this is the best apple crisp I've ever had. The only thing that might make it better is walnuts. There's always next time. 

I love wallpaper!

I love wallpaper and I have for years. In our old house, I wallpapered our office a grasscloth which became my sewing room and eventually Lila's nursery. I wallpapered one wall in our bathroom which I have to say looked pretty great. The last room I wallpapered before we moved was the girls' playroom. It was such a fun room and I miss it. Who wouldn't want to play in a room full of stripes?

We have three wallpaper projects in our new house, two of which have been completed. We were planning on painting around the fireplace in our family room to cover up the dark green walls that, in my opinion, made the room look smaller. Unable to match the existing paint on the other walls, we decided to go with wallpaper. An easy choice! This blue/teal lattice pattern is from Bouclair. One complaint I have is that it did have a tendency to rip if not careful. One of the downfalls of a great price.

The second project is the master bedroom. I love the look of big, bold flowers in a bedroom. The hard part was choosing from the many patterns and colours. We ended up going with a pattern from Home Depot and we couldn't be happier. The walls before were a pale yellow which were painted a white called Milk Moustache (blogged here.) I don't mind hanging wallpaper. I don't find it hard, just tedious but we will be hiring someone to do project #3!

I'll say it again. I love wallpaper!

Monday 9 September 2013


We spent about a week moving into the new house before spending our first night sleeping here and we wanted to have the girls' rooms finished to make the transition easier, especially for Lila. With the new carpet in, it was time to paint. We like to do things out of order. Keeps things exciting. 

The old paint was yellow and had to go. Nothing against that colour but the last time I painted with yellow, it turned out to be Safety Yellow and I've been against it ever since. My ideas for the girls rooms have all been based on art and colourful accessories so I knew that I wanted the walls to be white. I never thought I would want white walls since I've always been drawn to colour but I knew that with the right white, it would be perfect. After a bit of research aka Pinterest and Google, we decided to go with a white called Milk Moustache by C2. I'm very happy with the choice and it's definitely my go to white from now on.

Slowly but surely I am working on getting art on the walls so we'll save that post for later.